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We designed our zondacrypto API to provide our users with a convenient interface allowing access to service database, fetching data and performing various operations on third-party software. API allows users to create dynamic charts for various markets and to design autonomous trading apps.
If you by any chance have noticed an error while using API documentation or you would like to share with us your ideas and suggestions regarding new functionalities or future upgrades, please contact us using our Contact form.

The API is available under the following link:

Calling a given method, e.g. ticker (method to be explained in more detail in further paragraphs) looks as follows:

All time format data returned by API follows UNIX timestamp format with milisecond precision.
Every request must contains Content-type: application/json header.

Responses return status code “200 OK”, therefore each method returns it’s execution status.
In case of failed execution, method returns status “Fail” and appropriate error message.