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Updates of stop orders from orderbook.


If you want to get orders from all markets just use path without market symbol:
"path": "offers"

 "action": "subscribe-private",
 "module": "trading",
 "path": "stop/offers/{market_code}",
 "hashSignature": "8892f16e0713c5f3e3d7e9fa26c5a5f2817b09fc48fece72ed5712ae33547c92e91e735b1818397136beea760efae61d1449a93e48ee2f80789dfa24830ef720",
  "publicKey": "12345f6f-1b1d-1234-a973-a10b1bdba1a1",
  "requestTimestamp": 1529897422
  "action": "push",
  "topic": "trading/stop/offers",
  "message": {
    "action": "rejected",
    "rejectionReason": "InsufficientFunds",
    "exchangeOfferId": "8887265-8399-11e9-becc-0242ac110aaa",
    "state": {
      "id": "79b57265-8399-11e9-becc-0242ac110004",
      "operationId": "2b6823c5-dadc-8672-4053-d5d2ca071fc2",
      "userId": "f3788966-2c59-425b-9066-51f80fe1a6fd",
      "market": "BTC-PLN",
      "amount": "1",
      "rate": null,
      "stopRate": "100000",
      "status": "rejected",
      "offerType": "Buy",
      "mode": "stop-market",
      "balances": {
        "first": "36b3e538-7aac-4fe9-8834-a0577f7706a2",
        "second": "00a6680d-f453-41dd-beca-7594e5680f5a"
      "createdAt": "1559303080684",
      "flags": []
  "timestamp": "1559303080684",
  "seqNo": 54
  "action": "push",
  "topic": "trading/stop/offers",
  "message": {
    "action": "accepted",
    "exchangeOfferId": "64ed4697-8791-11e9-9368-0242ac110003",
    "state": {
      "id": "64e7a16c-8791-11e9-b0d9-0242ac110005",
      "operationId": "61751999-2c70-42db-a4b5-ea1a45c0cb2e",
      "userId": "b47f9af4-081d-4f5d-8cd7-9f3a1411d2e2",
      "market": "BTC-PLN",
      "amount": "0.5",
      "rate": "200",
      "stopRate": "300",
      "status": "accepted",
      "offerType": "Buy",
      "mode": "stop-limit",
      "balances": {
        "first": "01dd158d-7011-4bbc-98f3-80f09d7e24b8",
        "second": "69d14efe-0b1b-413f-ada4-4a8a975b7d76"
      "createdAt": "1559739414442",
      "flags": []
  "timestamp": "1559739414553",
  "seqNo": 55
  "action": "push",
  "topic": "trading/stop/offers",
  "message": {
    "action": "rejected",
    "rejectionReason": "InsufficientFunds",
    "state": {
      "id": "79b57265-8399-11e9-becc-0242ac110004",
      "operationId": "2b6823c5-dadc-8672-4053-d5d2ca071fc2",
      "userId": "f3788966-2c59-425b-9066-51f80fe1a6fd",
      "market": "BTC-PLN",
      "amount": "1",
      "rate": null,
      "stopRate": "100000",
      "status": "rejected",
      "offerType": "Buy",
      "mode": "stop-market",
      "balances": {
        "first": "36b3e538-7aac-4fe9-8834-a0577f7706a2",
        "second": "00a6680d-f453-41dd-beca-7594e5680f5a"
      "createdAt": "1559303080684",
      "flags": []
  "timestamp": "1559303080684",
  "seqNo": 56
  "requestId": "bf01d336-e344-cfff-5cee-7d8dedb4901c",
  "operation-id": "dfc4944a-ad3e-c708-44b2-1e0821a07089",
  "action": "proxy",
  "module": "trading",
  "path": "stop/offer/btc-pln",
  "token": "c6349a27-592c-45c6-84ac-120ede3fd352"


Parameters: rejectionReason and exchangeOfferId are optional and occurs only in the following actions:

  • rejected - rejectionReason
  • accepted - exchangeOfferId

Action types:

  • active - stop order is active and waiting for specified rate to perform
  • cancelled - order could not be performed
  • triggered - activation rate was reached and next action will be:
  • accepted - order was successfully performed
  • rejected - the order could not be made

Response details

actionstringPerformed action: active / accepted / rejected / cancelled / triggered.
rejectionReasonstringReason for rejection for issuing an offer.
exchangeOfferIdUUIDID of the created order on the orderbook.
statearrayTable of detailed information about the order.
* id UUIDID of the stop order.
* operationIdUUIDID for performed operation.
* userIdUUIDID of your account.
* marketstringMarket on which stop offer was made.
* amountdecimalThe amount of cryptocurrency.
* ratedecimalOffer rate. Null in stop-market mode.
* stopRatedecimalActivation rate.
* statusstringCurrent status of the stop order.: active / accepted / rejected / cancelled / triggered.
* offerTypestringOffer type: buy /sell.
* modestringOffer mode: stop-limit / stop-market.
* balancesarrayAn array of the wallets on which offer will be executed.
* * firstUUIDUUID of the wallet for first currency in pair.
* * secondUUIDUUID of the wallet for second currency in pair.
* createdAtUNIX timestampTime of created stop order.
* flagsarrayAn array of additional flags. None of flags are available right now. It will be suckesively adding.