The subscription shows the general setup and statistics of the market. It shows the value of the smallest transaction we can make and the precision of the amount, rate and price. The precision of the amount (amountPrecision) determines how accurately we can determine the quantity of the first currency to buy or sell, the precision of the price (pricePrecision) determines the number of decimal places to which the result of our transaction will be rounded or how accurately we can determine the quantity of the second currency, the precision of the rate (ratePrecision) determines the number of decimal places of the rate with which we want to place an offer. Rate precision can vary over time depending on the exchange rate for a particular currency market. The precisions of amount (amountPrecision) and price (pricePrecision) stay unchanged. The Ticker also returns the current best bid and ask, as well as the last and the previous transaction price.


If you want to get information from all markets just use path without market symbol:
"path": "ticker"

{ "action": "subscribe-public", "module": "trading", "path": "ticker/{market_code}" }
{ "action": "push", "topic": "trading/ticker/eth-pln", "message": { "market": { "code": "ETH-PLN", "amountPrecision": 8, "pricePrecision": 2, "ratePrecision": 6, "first": { "currency": "ETH", "minOffer": "0.00045", "scale": 8 // DEPRECATED }, "second": { "currency": "PLN", "minOffer": "5", "scale": 2 // DEPRECATED } }, "time": "1576845911374", "highestBid": "491.12", "lowestAsk": "495", "rate": "495", "previousRate": "499.42" }, "timestamp": "1576845911374", "seqNo": 4317604 }
{ "requestId": "78539fe0-e9b0-4e4e-8c86-70b36aa93d4f", "action": "proxy", "module": "trading", "path": "ticker/{market_code}" }
{ "action": "proxy-response", "requestId": "78539fe0-e9b0-4e4e-8c86-70b36aa93d4f", "statusCode": 200, "body": { "status": "Ok", "ticker": { "market": { "code": "ETH-PLN", "amountPrecision": 8, "pricePrecision": 2, "ratePrecision": 6, "first": { "currency": "ETH", "minOffer": "0.00045", "scale": 8 // DEPRECATED }, "second": { "currency": "PLN", "minOffer": "5", "scale": 2 // DEPRECATED } }, "time": "1576846031093", "highestBid": "491.44", "lowestAsk": "495", "rate": "495", "previousRate": "499.42" } } }

Response details:

codestringCurrency pair for request.
amountPrecisionintegerNumber of decimal places of the first currency.
pricePrecisionintegerNumber of decimal places of the transaction price or second currency.
ratePrecisionintegerNumber of decimal places of the rate.
first / secondarrayArrays of data from first and second currency pair.
* currency stringCurrency symbol.
* minOffer decimalMinimal value of currency that you could order.
* scale integerDecimal precision.This field will be removed in the future.
timeUnix TimestampTime of execute on server. For this time all values are actual.
highestBiddecimalThe best price for buy order at the moment.
lowestAskdecimalThe best price for sell order at the moment.
ratedecimalPrice of the last transaction.
previousRatedecimalPrice of the penultimate transaction.