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zondacrypto market allows you to place the following orders: limit, market, fill or kill and post only. See below for details. Each unused parameter should be assigned a null value.

Limit - standard method to perform order. Default view on the exchange.

Market - quick transaction. If you want to buy/sell cryptocurrency immediately. You only indicate the amount you want to spend on it, and the system automatically uses the best of the orders (at the lowest exchange rate) and exchanges funds for the digital currency you indicated.

Post only - order post only is to ensure that you always pay the MAKER commission. When you try to set up this type of order, you can be sure that it will be issued to the list of orders (orderbook) or canceled (in case of immediate transaction, which would result in collecting the TAKER commission)

Fill or Kill - order is a limit order that must be filled immediately in its entirety or it is canceled (killed). The purpose of a fill or kill order is to ensure that a position is entered instantly and at a specific price.

IOC (Immediate or Cancel) - a limit offer, which allows to buy or sell cryptocurrency immediately by selected exchange rate or more favourable. In contrast, to Fill or Kill - IOC allows to a partial realisation of your offer if it cannot be filled immediately.

If any of required parameters is unused - it shoulde be a null value.

  "offerType": "BUY",
  "amount": "20",
  "price": null,
  "rate": null,
  "postOnly": false,
  "mode": "market",
  "fillOrKill": false
  "offerType": "BUY",
  "amount": null,
  "price": "500",
  "rate": null,
  "postOnly": false,
  "mode": "market",
  "fillOrKill": false
  "offerType": "SELL",
  "amount": "1",
  "price": null,
  "rate": "24600",
  "postOnly": false,
  "mode": "limit",
  "fillOrKill": false
  "offerType": "BUY",
  "amount": "100",
  "price": null,
  "rate": "0.8",
  "postOnly": true,
  "mode": "limit",
  "fillOrKill": false
  "offerType": "BUY",
  "amount": "11",
  "price": null,
  "rate": "230.11",
  "postOnly": false,
  "mode": "limit",
  "fillOrKill": true
  "offerType": "SELL",
  "amount": "10",
  "price": null,
  "rate": "1.07",
  "postOnly": false,
  "mode": "limit",
  "immediateOrCancel": true

Response details

completedbooleanIf the order was completed entirely
offerIdUUIDUUID of the order
transactionsarrayArray of finished transactions during order execution
* amount decimalAmount of cryptocurrency in the transaction
* rate decimalRate of finished transaction.