Endpoint for fetching data (address / memo) for crypto deposit of given currency.
This endpoint is available only with authentication.
Response details
Key | Type | Description |
address | string | Deposit address. |
memo | string | Deposit tag / memo for currencies that support it (e.g. destination tag for XRP, memo for XLM). Null if memo is not supported. |
fullAddress | string | Full deposit address. Address + memo |
beneficiary | object | Beneficiary details that could be used by customer when making withdrawal to Zondacrypto on other exchanges. |
*vaspName | string | name of beneficiary VASP |
*vaspDid | string | unique id of the VASP |
*name | string | beneficiary name, company name in case of company user and first name last name in case of personal user |
*companyIssueCountry | string | in case of company user, country in which company was registered |
*companyTaxId | string | in case of company user, official registration id of company like Polish NIP |