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Standard errors

Error messageDescription
TICKER_NOT_FOUNDThe ticker for the market in request was not found.
NOT_RECOGNIZED_OFFER_TYPEUnknown type of offer.
FUNDS_NOT_SUFFICIENTThe funds in the trading account are not sufficient to make the offer.
OFFER_FUNDS_NOT_EXCEEDING_MINIMUMSThe value of the bid is less than the acceptable minimum.
OFFER_FUNDS_SCALE_ISSUEThe numerical value given in the query does not match the number of decimal places for the currency.
OFFER_COULD_NOT_BE_FILLEDThe offer cannot be completed in full (applies to "Fill or kill").
OFFER_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_PARTIALLY_FILLEDThe offer can be fulfilled only in part (applies to "Fill or kill").
FILL_OR_KILL_COMBINED_WITH_POST_ONLYThe types used are "Fill or kill" with "Post only". - these parameters cannot be sent together.
INVALID_RESOLUTIONIncorrect value of resolution parameter for historical candles.
OFFER_NOT_FOUNDThe offer was not found (in case of cancellation).
SECONDARY_AMOUNTONLYFor market type offers.
SELF_TRADINGThe user has opposing bids in a given market.
PRICE_PRECISION_INVALIDIncorrect precision for price.
USER_OFFER_COUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDThe limit of offers issued to the market for a given market has been exhausted.
MARKET_DISABLEDThe selected market is disabled.

Invalid request errors

Error messageDescription
INVALID_REQUESTThe request was constructed incorrectly.
MALFORMED_REQUESTThe JSON sent in the request is corrupt.
MARKET_CODE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTYNo market code was given.

Trading overloaded errors

Error messageDescription
CONFIG_LOAD_TIMEOUTMarket configuration cannot be loaded.
SYSTEM_TIMEOUTSystem response time exceeded.
CORE_OVERFLOWThe trading system has been overloaded.
SYSTEM_OVERLOADEDThe exchange system is overloaded.

System errors

Error messageDescription
UNKNOWN_ERRORAn unknown error has occurred.
CONFIG_NOT_FOUNDThe market configuration for the user was not found.
NOT_SUPPORTED_RESULTThe answer from the module executing the query is not correct.
CANNOT_GET_REQUIRED_BALANCEThe user's wallet cannot be accessed.
STATS_COULD_NOT_BE_LOADEDMarket statistics cannot be loaded.
BALANCE_NOT_FOUND_OR_INCOMPATIBLEThe wallet was not found or is unsupported.
BALANCE_NOT_FOUNDThe wallet was not found.
REQUEST_TIMESTAMP_TOO_OLDThe request timestamp is too old.